Vladimir Mijailovic , Executive Director - Commercil at Zastava Tapacirnica a.d Kragujevac
http://www.zastavatapacirnica.rsBilateral Meetings
- 14.05.2013 Tuesday (10:00 - 14.00)
- 14.05.2013 Tuesday (15:00 - 18.00)
TEXTILE DIVISION: Production, development and sale of parts of the interior (car confection) exclusively for the automotive industry to foreign buyers.
PLASTIC DIVISION: Production, development and sales of small and big plastic parts for automotive and household
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Company
Organization Size: 250+
Phone: +38134300444
Email: vladimir.mijailovic@zastavatapacirnica.rs
City: Kragujevac 34000,Stojana Protica bb Google map