Zorana Katić , Cheef of Marketing at GRUPA ZASTAVA VOZILA, a.d., Kragujevac– U RESTRUKTURIRANJU,Ogranak ZASTAVA INPRO
Marketing http://www.zastavainpro.co.rsBilateral Meetings
- 14.05.2013 Tuesday (10:00 - 14.00)
- 14.05.2013 Tuesday (15:00 - 18.00)

Basic activity of Zastava Inpro is : machining of sheet ( production of product from metal).
Zastava Inpro produce and mounted :
1. Light car trailers: - basic program of light car trailers (for domestic market and export , trailers
diferent dimention i purpose), trailers capasity of 3.500kg bruto mass.
2. Light steel construction diferent purpose :containers, metal accessories
( containers for paper and PET packaging,mailbox for first help,mailbox for mail, building wheelchair)
3. Tools for car maintenance : tool kits, macking tools by semple.
We make locksmith, installing, tin and mechanical works. We can do next jobs for buyers:
Cutting tin and profile:
On Fiber Laser and NC scissors for cutting of tin: lenght of cutting to 3 000 (mm ), thickness to 6( mm). On saw cutting for cutting metal profiles (cutter head can rotate from 45° to 60° right).
Bending tin and profile on Apkan press: lenght of bending to 3 000 mm, thickness to 6 mm
Machine for sheet metal forming : thickness 1,2 ÷1,5 mm,width 450÷650 mm, lengh 1000 ÷ 2500 mm
Machine for bending of thin-walled metal tubes (thickness 6-36 mm) with angle of bending from 0° to 180°.
Punching on : CNC machine for punching thickness of tin 3mm, width 1250 mm, lenght 2 000+2 000, diameter of hole min Ø 5.
Machine shops on univerzal machine: lathe ( Ø 200 x 2000 ), milling machine ( 250x250x80 ), grinding (200x200x600 ).
Arc welding of gas C02: posibility of welding of tin 0,5 do 6mm
Spot welding sheet metal: thickness 0,4 ÷ 0,8 mm
Dipl.ing.maš. Branko Veljović
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Company
Organization Size: 250+
Founding Year: 1998
Phone: +38134323455
Email: zastava.inpro@gmail.com
City: Kragujevac 34000,Kosovska 4 Google map